
2023年6月13日—世界最強的AI生產力工具TheWorld's#1AIproductivity.現在筆記數位工具猶如進入AI大競技場,每一家都在比裝備誰能更吸睛,Notion早於Taskade把 ...,TaskadeletsyouembedProjectsinsideNotionpagesusingsimpleinvitelinks.EmbeddedProjectsarefullyfunctionalsoyoucanedittheircontentsandcheck ...,ExportNon-DatabasePages·OpenNotionandclick···(elipsis)inthetop-rightcorner·ChooseExportfromthedrop-downli...


2023年6月13日 — 世界最強的AI生產力工具The World's #1 AI productivity. 現在筆記數位工具猶如進入AI大競技場,每一家都在比裝備誰能更吸睛,Notion 早於Taskade 把 ...

⚪️ Notion

Taskade lets you embed Projects inside Notion pages using simple invite links. Embedded Projects are fully functional so you can edit their contents and check ...

⬜️ Import from Notion

Export Non-Database Pages · Open Notion and click ··· (elipsis) in the top-right corner · Choose Export from the drop-down list · Click Export to download a ...


2023年6月5日 — 如果要看專案進度,要打開Asana;如果要做會議筆記,要打開Notion;如果想要討論議題,要打開Slack⋯⋯明明是同一個專案,資料卻四散在不同數位工具, ...

Slack 和Asana 功能,入選YC 的筆記軟體Taskade 強在哪?

2023年6月11日 — Taskade,是一款All in one的筆記工具,無論是專案進度、討論、筆記還是視訊功能都可以一站式完成。有趣的是,Taskade的價值在於「無痛轉換」——你可以單純 ...

Taskade vs Notion: A Side-by

Taskade describes itself as the remote work OS. It's a remote work tool that brings together Kanban boards, to-do lists, calendars, mind maps, and more. It ...

Taskade vs Notion

Taskade is the best free alternative to Notion. Easily manage your projects and communicate in real-time with your team members to collaborate efficiently.

Taskade vs. Notion (2023)

2023年11月14日 — Although both Taskade and Notion are affordable, Taskade's pricing model suits small and medium businesses, making it a more affordable option ...

Connect your Notion to Taskade integration in 2 minutes

A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It's the all-in-one workspace for you and your team.